
The Mindset Effect

The Mindset Effect

Mindset is a word that’s much like attitude because most people use it as a throwaway line that doesn’t have a technical meaning. They say it but without any concept of the power contained in their mind to take control of their life. However, to the student of neuroscience, metaphysics and brain, mind and body research, the mindset effect is as real as any of the systems in your body that occur automatically.

Mindset is a critical factor in the quality of our life. The question is always going to come down to “can you control your mindset?” If you know how to harness your mindset you know how to harness one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Focus is the key. You can take a 10kw light which doesn’t give off much light or heat and then by using a ruby crystal you can focus that light.

You can create a Laser Beam that can cut through the hardest metal on the planet; or send a beam of light to the moon and back, such is the power that you have created. Focus is the key and the acceptance that Mindset Effect is a real thing. Acceptance that The Mindset Effect is the source of power leads to understanding the Cause – Effect- Results continum of life.

Sometimes, the world around us is tumultuous, things are going badly, we feel like we’re being rocked by the winds and the rain in the tempest of a maddening storm. When you feel that way, you still have the ability to be calm and you can learn to be able to be a calm and not be manipulated by the world about you such is the power of Your mindset. It takes time to learn and a desire to take control of your life and not be a victim.

The Mindset Effect

Science is just beginning to fully understand the mindset effect. I think it’s the effect of the mind which is nebulous because you can’t see it you can’t touch it but you can feel it, the mind is the energy that surrounds us The effect of having our mindset vibrating at the right rate is that it’s where I can achieve so much more.

The influence of your mindset goes way beyond your brain, way beyond positive or negative thinking. Peter Martin Quote 2

The way you think is creating the world you are moving towards, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. The Mindset Effect is incredibly powerful, in fact, way more powerful than we can appreciate from an everyday educative perspective. Traditional education comes from a physical world perspective. The source of power in the universe is energy, is vibration – The Mindset Effect.


The way to increase the quality, quantity and substance of your life is to LEARN how to harness this FORCE. Then apply that power to anything in your life and the world around you

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